Caminada entre vinyes
1st April 2023
10 a.m.
Mas de la Sabatera
A 10-kilometre walk around Mas de la Sabatera. We will walk through the vineyards of Vins de Pedra, Mas Foraster and Mas de la Sabatera to taste the wines of these three wineries in Montblanc. Duration: 4 hours.
Els secrets de les abelles i la mel
6th May 2023
10 a.m.
Chapel of Sant Josep
Around the chapel of Sant Josep there is a wide variety of flowers that make it possible to produce honey of different tastes and colours. The visit will allow us to learn about the world of bees from the beekeeper of Mel el Remei. We will discover how they live, what they do and how important they are for the planet. The activity will end with a tasting of honeys from the Prades mountains. Duration: 2 hours.
Del marge a la cuina
17th June 2023
9 a.m.
Espai Aromis
Nature offers a large number of edible wild plants. The activity will begin with a walk around the Espai Aromis to recognise wild plants and flowers and learn how to collect them. Afterwards, we will prepare some simple recipes to learn how to incorporate them into the kitchen. Duration: 3 hours.
Del blat al pa
8th July 2023
10 a.m.
Molins de la Vila
Bread-making workshop with the cooperative L'Aresta in which we will learn the ingredients and the steps to follow to make healthy, quality and agroecological bread. During the workshop we will make the dough that we will bake at home. Duration: 3 hours.
Anem a l’hort!
5th August 2023
7 p.m.
Convent of La Serra
In the vegetable garden of the old convent of La Serra, we will learn about the seasonal vegetables and fruit grown by La Carabasseta to harvest them and take them home. After the harvest, with L'Aresta we will make a preserve with products from the garden. Duration: 2 hours.
Vi, glosa i estrelles
5th August 2023
10 p.m.
Mas Foraster
A playful show by the Associació Bocafoscant during which we will discover the connections between the world of wine and the stars, through songs with improvised text, astronomical information, poetry, stories, songs and the wines of Mas Foraster. Duration: 2 hours.
Plantada de safrà
2nd September 2023
9 a.m.
Espai Aromis
This activity is dedicated to learning about the saffron, from the time the bulbs are planted until the flowers are harvested. From the hand of Aromis we will learn how to take care of the saffron until the harvest in November. Duration: 2 hours.
Passejada nocturna i constel·lacions
23th September 2023
8 p.m.
Mas de la Sabatera
Activity that combines an introduction to astronomy and a naturalist night walk. With the Associació Bocafoscant we will discover the different nocturnal species and learn to recognise the types of stars and constellations, and the mythology, tales and legends associated with them. Duration: 2 hours.
De l'olivera al setrill
28th October 2023
10 a.m.
Mas Foraster
Activity to learn about one of the traditional crops in the region: the olive tree. We will discover all the details and at the same time we will pick the olives following the instructions of the farmer of Mas Foraster. The activity will end with a cooking workshop with L'Aresta during which an olive preserve will be made. Duration: 2 hours.
Collita de safrà
4th November 2023
10 a.m.
Espai Aromis
With this activity we will enjoy the spectacle of colours and smells offered by the saffron blossom at the Espai Aromis. We will learn how to harvest and weed the flowers to obtain the prized saffron spice. Duration: 2 hours.
Tast de vins · La clau de volta
4th November 2023
7.30 p.m.
El Molí del Mallol
Wine tasting "La clau de volta" with Roser Vernet and Martí Sales, and the wineries La Fita, Clos Mogador, Celler Vilalta Pere, Niu Celler, Venus La Universal and Celler Dumenge. Duration: 2 hours.
Tast de pedra seca
25th November 2023
9 a.m.
Tourist Office
A walk to discover different dry stone constructions in the area around Montblanc accompanied by Manel Martínez. The tour will end with a tasting of products from the Fet a la Conca cooperative. Duration: 4 hours.
Maridatge de cava i torró
2nd December 2023
7 p.m.
Hall of the Corts Catalanes
Pairing of cavas from the winery Carles Andreu in Pira and nougat from the patisserie Viñas in Montblanc. Duration: 2 hours.