Alenyà's Palace
14th century but with the passing of time it has suffered several modifications.
Architectural features
The main façade with well-worked blocks of stone, with a big entrance door and three beautiful Gothic windows. On the ground floor there are several arcades, ancient and a piece of the burnt coffered ceiling are preserved. In the upper part there is a gallery from the 16th century and a long noble room where the coffered ceiling can be seen. Presiding the room there is a wall painting which was originally a work of Ismael Balanyà.
Originally it belonged to Alenyà family, then to the Conesa family and finally to the Aguiló family. In 1822 there was a great fire and because of this it is also known as "the Aguiló burnt house". The building has been restored because due to the different uses it was in very bad conditions. At present it is the seat of the Consell Comarcal de la Conca de Barberà, the county council.
Outside visit.